The Martine Cotillions
- since 1857 -

We truly appreciate hearing from our families and hope you will enjoy reading what parents - and the members themselves - think about their experience of Cotillion over the years, and the benefits they have received.

NOTES AND LETTERS​ Click Here to Send your Testimonial
I am compelled to write to rave about the Cotillion. It is such a special part of our lives. My daughter, who never wants to wear dresses to school, is turning into a “little lady.” Her manners are the subject of other parents. “How did you do it?” they ask. I smile and say, “had some help from friends - at Cotillion!” Thank you again.
- Julia, Santa Barbara
I'm so glad to be a part of Cotillion. I'm amazed at how well you run this program. My son loved it. He said he wants to do it forever. He is already more aware of manners and is opening doors for me. Thank you for helping our family remember manners.
- Tracie, South OC
I've been in Cotillion since I was in the 3rd grade and in Supper Club for seventh and eighth grades. I have learned incredible skills from the Martine Cotillions, and I would like to thank you for this journey and amazing experience. I will always remember the dances and manners for every occasion I will go to in the future. Thank you!
- Leah, 8th Grade Graduate, Tustin
Cotillion provides young people immeasurable confidence and support to navigate cultural norms which definitely do not come with a ready-made handbook. Knowing how to dance, eat, and meet new people comfortably across a variety of settings makes it that much easier to grow relationships and show respect to people around you.
- Brandon Martinez, Cotillion Graduate and Harvard Class of 2020
I just wanted to tell you how often my three children who are now young adults have used the lessons you taught them over the years in Cotillion. My daughter actually mentioned how helpful Cotillion and Supper Club lessons were just last week - the weekend of her graduation. She had the privilege of being invited to the home of the president of the university since she was the student commencement speaker. She and her date were the only two students amongst the college faculty and honored guests. She said that she felt perfectly comfortable in that setting thanks to the Cotillion lessons that are now an integral part of her. I just thought you would like a little feed back about how your lessons live on in your students.
-Darcy, Long Beach
This is our son’s first year to participate and I want you to know how much he is enjoying it. Before he attended he wasn’t too sure he wanted to do it. After the first night he was so happy, and excited that he had such a good time he wanted to know if he could come more that just once a month. Dressed in a sport coat and slacks, he asked if he could have a suit to wear to Cotillion. He made his mother’s heart swell with happiness and relief. He looks forward to attending each party. He practices his skills at his friends’ house with parents, when we dine out - to order himself and shakes hands when introduced to adults. We are very happy and proud of his behavior and manners that he has continued to learn through Cotillion and not just his parents repeatedly reminding. We look forward to many more years of Cotillion.
- Michelle and Tim, Huntington Beach
Our family moved to Newport Beach from Westfield New Jersey three years ago. We love Orange County. One of the true gems of Orange County is The Martine Cotillions. Keep up the good work. I believe this is one of the greatest gifts I am giving my children. As a parent, I am truly indebted to you.
-Karen, Newport Beach
As a third grader, this was our son’s first year in the Martine Cotillion’s Villa Park chapter. Although there was some grumbling on his part, he seemed to really enjoy every session. I’m very impressed with the content and quality of your program. We are looking forward to next year.
-Colleen, Villa Park
Thank you so much for fourteen wonderful years of cotillion. It was always a fun night to look forward to where they all had their chance to shine. I know that each one of my children has walked away from cotillion with self-confidence and poise, and I can never thank you enough for giving them the opportunity to learn and practice their social graces.
- Judy, Anaheim Hills
On behalf of our entire family, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have given to our boys. You, and the amazing program your family has built, have made such a positive impact on their lives, how they react to the world, and the way they think of others first. You have created an atmosphere of fun with lessons and dancing all sprinkled in. We could not have asked for a better experience for our boys, and we certainly couldn't have dreamed of anyone better to lead the way than you! We are so grateful to call you our friend, and are honored to have been a part of the Martine Cotillions. What a gift you have been to us all!
-The Perkins Family, Laguna Beach
Thank you so very much for your comments regarding the dress code. I so appreciate your strict guidelines ad your concern in this area. Our children are used to such a casual lifestyle in Southern California, yet need to be taught what is appropriate and when. Thank you for all you are doing to make a difference.
- Lisa, Newport Beach
We have thoroughly enjoyed your fabulous cotillion, and our son is looking forward to the next level this fall. It is professional, educational and fun for all. Thank you!
- Alisa and Brian, Pasadena
Thank you so much for all these years of Cotillion. You have been such a wonderful teacher. Tonight is our last night as we have watched our three sons, with your help, blossom into true gentlemen.
- The Petrinis, Bakersfield
As we approach the conclusion of the Cotillion Season, my husband and I wish to express our gratitude to you and your entire staff for the wonderful experience offered to our children. My husband and I are are blessed to have five daughters who range in age from 21 to 9; the three oldest have moved beyond to Cotillion age - much to their dismay, for Cotillion evenings were a much anticipated and much enjoyed experience. Our two younger daughters currently are enrolled in the Ventura Cotillion, loving every minute. We would like to extend a special thank you to The Martine Cotillions.
- Eunice, Ventura
You were all so wonderful, welcoming and encouraging. Your continuation and expansion of the important behavior that we expected of them was key to the growth of our sons' self-confidence and social manners.
-The Smalls, Bakersfield
Thank you so much for five lovely years for my two sons. We were at your Long Beach location. Cotillion has brought civility into our lives on a monthly basis. I wish that Cotillion could be a daily way of life for everyone. Sometimes I worry that my boys won’t find any girls that have manners and act like girls. My younger son is attending summer school in order to take geometry in 9th grade, and the behavior and overall appearance of these girls is frightening. With strong parental guidance, a good moral foundation and a lovely program such as yours - his foundation has been set. Hopefully both the boys will choose good mates. I’ll miss receiving the newsletters, but keep up the good work. Common Discourtesy was particularly touching. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with you.
-Lisa, Long Beach
Please know how much my family and I appreciate all that your cotillion has taught us. We are forever indebted to you. The lessons you've given will last my children's lives.
-Carol, Long Beach
My son is in the Rancho Santa Fe 5th grade Cotillion and it has been a wonderful experience for him and for our entire family. I am writing to say how much I appreciated your article in the recent Cotillion newsletter about appropriate dress for young ladies. What you wrote was refreshing and very insightful. Thank you for taking on this issue. It is so sad to see young girls and young women dressing in such devaluing ways. Your article was much needed and I hope it will be much heeded in Cotillion.
- Julie, Rancho Santa Fe
I have truly enjoyed working with you both and with your Cotillion team. I am glad to have been chosen as a chair. I have met some wonderful people over the years - those who shared the same desire to engage our children with a unique experience and strong values. Something that seems to be lacking with today’s lifestyle. I know my sons have both benefited from this positive environment, and I thank you.
-Kim, Ventura
Tonight marks the very last evening that our family will attend The Martine Cotillions as members since our daughter will graduate tonight. I would like to express to you and your family how much we have enjoyed the last eleven years as members. Both our son and daughter started Cotillion in their third grade years. Both of them speak with fondness about their time spent at Cotillion, and the skills and values that you helped to impart will serve them well in their future endeavors. We will truly miss you all and will remember our years at Cotillion always. May your future be richly blessed.
- Pamela, Yorba Linda
There is a reason every parent I speak to values Cotillion so highly. Every one involved is truly a class act! I wish you many more years of success, health and happiness.
-Susan, Long Beach
Thank you to all of you for providing such a necessary and enjoyable activity for the children in Laguna (and all of Southern California!) My son has been participating since the 3rd grade and will now have the honor of attending the Evening Cotillion. We are very exited about the prospect of live music. Here is an example of why Cotillion is such a big hit - the enthusiasm and talent of the instructors is unparalleled. Good luck with this upcoming season.
- Leslie, Laguna Beach
Thank you so much to you and your team for five years of great Cotillion experiences. Both our daughters attended the Rancho Santa Fe Cotillion and we are so appreciative of the many valuable lessons they have learned. Both my husband and I observed many evenings which helped us identify behaviors to reinforce at home. The art of the simple 'thank you' where you look your host in the eye, say thank you, state the person's name, and add a particular detail to let them know you appreciate what they have done has been a terrific lesson. You also explained that shyness can be interpreted as rudeness and that helped tremendously on the many occasions when our youngest try to use the "shy card." I'm happy to say that our girls have adopted these behaviors and it seems to set them apart. We are grateful to you for sharing this with our girls.
- Paula, Rancho Santa Fe
I just had to tell you about an experience we had with our son this week at a family funeral. Tons of family were there - people I hadn’t seen in a very long time. As soon is my son had on his suit he was all manners!! He was confident, outgoing, and friendly. I did not have to ask him one time to settle down or be still or anything! It was so wonderful. He was like that all day long!
We got more compliments on his demeanor and manners than ever before. He walked around with his grandfather and had very cordial conversations and would immediately put out his hand. People wanted to know what we did to get our child to be like that.
Cotillion has been so wonderful for him, and we are truly grateful for the opportunity you’ve given him! He enjoys it. He can hardly wait for the next dance. He comes home and performs all of the dances for us and talks nonstop about it when he gets home. I just had to share that with you because Cotillion has truly influenced him.
- Laura and Eric, Ventura
My daughter really enjoyed her six-year Cotillion experience. This experience will benefit her for the rest of her life. I am so impressed by the cotillions you put on, the way you professionally manage your business and by the lovely people who are a part of your organization!
- Pamela, Huntington Beach
I wanted to write to you and let you and your colleagues know what a wonderful experience we have had over the past year. My son, Ryan, has had the pleasure of participating eagerly in your Yorba Linda program throughout his fifth grade year. We have seen him grow in confidence and social skills and cannot wait for the next season to begin.
I wanted to share with you one way your Cotillion has enriched our lives that we did not expect when we began. Ryan’s grandmother has dementia, and sadly, has gone from a beautiful, dignified lady to unfortunately a shadow of her former self. When Ryan began his Cotillion experience last Fall, I began to video Ryan’s Cotillion experience each time, and I bring the videos to show to my mother in her care facility. She is truly enchanted and excited to watch every time.
As I observe her watching the video, I get the wonderful and unexpected joy of watching my mother increase in focus, interaction, and sheer joy every time. I used to only do this after every new Cotillion meeting. However, as her memory fades, I have begun showing her the videos every time we visit, and each time she is as thrilled as the last. She honestly laughs with joy as she watches them, and she even hums along with some of the music, stopping now and then to share with us her own experiences as a young lady… memories that would otherwise be lost forever due to her condition.
So I want to thank you for the program you offer not just as it benefits our son, but as it brings generations of our family together and brings an elderly lady such joy in the sunset of her life. I just wanted to let you know our personal story, so you are aware of even more ways your lovely program has touched the lives of the people who participate.
We are looking forward to seeing you all again next year… although probably Ryan more than anyone.
My best to you,
Debbie, Yorba Linda
“They weren’t too crazy about the idea, but when we picked them up afterward, they were higher than a kite. It’s an exciting, entirely different stage of life for them; they love it.”
“I thought third grade was too young until I saw them in action. It’s now obvious to me that I should have understood that parents send their children at that early age because it works. The early foundation is wonderful for them.”
“If I’d had something like this, adolescence might have been a little less painful.”
“Succeeding in life without things like cotillion is a little like needing braces on crooked teeth. You could get along without them but it does make a lifelong difference.”

“My first two boys didn’t go to cotillion; my second two who did dated less frantically and behaved as young gentlemen.”
“Thank you for your cotillions backing up all the things my husband and I have taught our children through the years. They believed what they’d heard when they heard it from you too.”
“We go out ot dinner after every cotillion. It's wonderful to see the good cotillion manners spill over.”
“My husband and I chaperoned the last school dance. Except for a half dozen, the only children dancing were those who had been to cotillion.”

“I about fell over! As we were about to leave a recent party, my son strode off stating ‘I’ve got to find the host to thank him.’ All the years of cotillion were worth just that one moment.”
“He likes opportunities to dress up now. The other day he actually asked me if he could get a haircut.”
“On our Caribbean cruise, our 5th and 7th grade boys went from table to table asking the ladies to dance. It was unbelievable.”
“Now when we go out to dinner, I hear them reminding each other of what Miss Martine would say.”
“At our daughter’s wedding our son asked the ladies in the bridal party to dance... without our suggestion. People were so impressed with him that they lauded praise on us as his parents. I didn’t tell them that his new found confidence came since cotillion.”
“Now our son spends less time with his friends who act up and more time with those who are growing up. I credit cotillion with that.”
“You have such a wonderful way with them. You refer to them as ladies and gentlemen, expect them to behave accordingly, and they do!”

Girl - 12, Boy - 13
“We didn’t want to come at first, but now we enjoy cotillion. It’s helped a lot. They’ve shown us how to use manners and to dance.”
Boy - 10
“I didn’t know these kids could be so nice to each other.”
Boy - 9
“I love Cotillion! Why can’t it be every week?”
Girl - 8
“I already know everything. I just come for the games and the fun.”
Boy - 13
“I didn’t know how to dance. I’ve developed more self-confidence and I’m not as shy as I was before.”
Boy - 12
“Cotillion has helped me be more polite. I’ve learned things I can practice at home. But the thing I enjoy most is meeting new people.”

Girl - 13
“If the kids at school knew how we treated each other at cotillion they’d think we were really weird.”
Boy - 13
“The things I’ve learned will help me when I go to parties.”
Boy - 13
“We travel a lot. Manners are important. I like to leave a good impression.”
Girl - 9
“My favorite days are the ones when I go to Cotillion. They’re especially fun because I have a great teacher.”
Boy - 12
"Cotillion was a blast!"
Boy - 9
"Thank you so much for inviting me to Cotillion. From the very start, I've been liking it. I also loved the decorations. I'm so glad you thought of me and I'm excited to go again."

I'm going to miss Cotillion so much! I've been here since 3rd grade! Thank you! I love cotillion!!! - Charlotte
I just wanted to thank you for the 6 years of Cotillion. I have learned a lot and enjoyed myself. I especially enjoyed learning how to dance. Thank you. -Ryan
Thank you for teaching me many skills that I can utilize in the future. Cotillion has been a pleasure to be a part of because of the kind of personalities involved. Thank you again for teaching me and my fellow friends. -Luke
Thank you so much for teaching me manners that will help me in the future. Always remember the huge impact you have on children's lives. Many thanks. -Sarah
I appreciate everything that you have instilled in us through our cotillion experience. The skills I now have and attention to details I would never have seen before cotillion will last me a lifetime. I know all I have learned will be useful in my high school and college journeys. Thank you again! -Troy​

Thank you for a fun six years. I will always remember your teachings from throughout the wonderful time I have spent at Cotillion. I hope you had as much fun as I did! -Jordan
I love Cotillion! It's so much fun! -Emily
Thank you for everything you have taught me in these past years. I wouldn't have known half as much as I do now if I hadn't signed up for cotillion. -Samuel
I've loved cotillion since 3rd grade and hope I can come back as a Mentor! -Marissa
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in cotillion. I had a blast in Supper Club. When I graduate from cotillion I will remember cool dance moves, how to use proper table manners, how to speak politely and how to be a gentleman. Thank you for everything you have done for me. -Jakson

I have been in Cotillion since the 3rd grade and have learned so much from you! Thank you for an awesome experience throught the years!
Thank you for your wisdom. I have enjoyed all of the etiquette and dance lessons you have taught me over the past six years. I can't wait to use this knowledge you have given me.
I know that the lessons learned from you will be a valuable tool for me to use now and forever. Thank you for your time, patience and enthusiasm. -Blake
Your guidance has taught me so many things that will continue to help me through life. I hope one day to give my kids the same lessons that you have given me. Thank you again, Miss Martine! -Lauren
Thank you for all you have done for Cotillion. I have had a great time and have made great friends and memories. -Ethan